The Joy of Perspective


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Wait what?

If you would have told me, when I started this piece, that within one hour I would transform it from the basic landscape that it was to what it is now, I would not have believed you. I spent several hours working on the original version. Now let me present you with a much refined and happier painting. It has the drama and majesty that I wanted it to originally have. I love the lighting and the ominous look of that mountain. The clouds are filled in just the way I had hoped. All of those elements come together to bring you a fine painting: The Joy of Perspective.  

I have joy! 

There is a moment in any painting that you really have to look at the work and wonder if the direction is still going where you need it to go. It happened to me right after I had created the mountains and shading of the scene. In stepping back I had set it aside to work on some other pieces. Recently, I came across Joy of Perspective again and took it with me to a show so that I could work on it in front of people. I instinctively know now what has potential and what is a lost cause as I have a few years of experience creating art. My brush dashed across the canvas and  began it’s work of restoration. The next thing I knew, I had a beautiful landscape on my easel and ready to be placed into my online gallery. 

So should you!

The image is as clear as my intent. The intent to find a lover of the image and home it. My hopes are that it hangs in a  home that will enjoy looking at this piece as they pass by. To feel a sense of what it would be like to be there. I love the mountain shade and the reflections of the water. I hope you do as well.

Additional information

Painting Size

14" x 18"


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