Allow me to introduce my tip hat
This is my proverbial virtual tip hat in front of the easel. It has been a custom since the old European artist, to have a “tipping hat” next to where their street theater performance was being held. I have a current need for several costs to be covered that include; Lighting, paints, canvasses, camera stands, and gas to get to my locations. These costs add up, and when I sell a painting, I have not always been able to spread them to cover it all. Here is your chance to help my art come alive. I am throwing my hat out and hoping that you, the passerby, throws something in it.
Support Simon’s artistic journey
Gratuities welcomed here
At the end of the day, I am eventually going to see my name grow, but until I do, I am a “starving” artist. I am building my Patreon account and will list that along with the other ways you can contribute listed below. As usual, thank you for your support and encouragement. I will use any funds to better my art and artistic journey. Let me know if you have any other ways I can develop as an artist. I am always open to ideas or suggestions from my fans.
Ways to hire Simon DeLux DeVille
Hire Simon today!
Payment gateways Simon uses

Fortunately I have many supporters who tell me that my art is well crafted. That I have skill and lots of it. My mother painted with oils as I played under her easel when I was a child, so I have a life long relationship with art. I have spent time educating myself, have visited Germany, England, Austria, and Italy. Attended Cornish College of the Arts, University of Idaho, and North Idaho College. From the moment I put my feet on the floor till the moment I lay my head down, I breathe art. Time and time again art has proven to communicate more of my positive energy and efforts than bad. Art has enabled me to socialize in a more positive and productive way than I ever have before. Art has given my life a new purpose and drive.