I, Simon DeVille, am an artist.

As if it were destiny, or written in the clouds, I am officially an artist. How great it is to be seen, but for now rest assured; I am an artist. As if there were any doubt. Honestly, there always is. It is with anything. I have had my fair share. My new revelation comes after having my body of work represent me, instead of a friend or family member. I am always aware of the gilded glasses. Those that love me have always looked at my work, here I have had a stranger look at my work and ask, can you paint something for me?

The endless and overflowing support I have had from those that are friends and family, has kept me going. Family & friends that have bought my art, and those that have shared my media anytime they could, have kept my work going. These things are what keep an artist going. Knowing their work is of value means something to their work in general. It changes the way I look at what I am producing. Not that I work any harder, cause I was raised by a German mother; but rather my purpose really changes. I am creating for someone else directly. Yes, the image changes with the customer’s influence. Yes, it is more difficult not just doing “whatever I want”, but the reward is as golden. Here I am able to magically discover an image the art collector or art enthusiast has. Each of my fans are now able to get art they want right from the artist. 

Here is where I develop a skill set that is reserved for Interior designers and creatives that exchange with the public at large. Now is an opportunity to learn how to interpret what each client is looking for and render it for them in acrylic paints. Something I, Simon DeVille can now officially do. I can hear a dream and show it in colors that are inspiring. I can do that simple task of hearing you and translating that into something everyone can look at. I am thankful for the opportunities that have been presenting themselves. With them I have learned so much more about my art medium and its effect on society. The difference between Acrylic versus oil painting; or the debate over digital versus hand painted art. So many new ideas and mediums to think about and enjoy, I am thankful I decided to go with this one. With acrylic I get a safer and cleaner working environment than oil. As well as I am easier on the environment. Less chemicals down the drain. I like both those factors. Know that I try to keep everything I sell on simondeville.com as environmentally friendly as I can. 

I am always looking for ways to support my community. I have recently asked everyone for suggestions as to some great artists I can start enjoying that are located in the area. Ones I may have something in common with. I look for those things that help art gain a better role in society. I want to do what I can to support those. Please let me know if there are any artists I should know about. You can email those to me at simon@simondeville.com. I look forward to seeing your suggestions. July is about learning about other local Spokane artists and what this area has in store for my art. Discovering Armadiller because of a suggestion is a great example. He may operate with larger projects, but his art is dark and eclectic, like mine. 

I am looking forward to what the future holds for my career. I am an artist now, officially. In my eyes. A self confidence I needed to find to really embody the art I intend on creating. Finding yourself is key. Even when that process has you going to others. Thank you again to everyone that has bought a painting. To those that inspired me and to the list of patrons that has kept my name alive and with investing in. It started with my imagination. Nicolette’s dedication and inspiration. Jairus’s encouragement, and ta da! I am an artist. I believe anyone can be what they want to be. 

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